Thy Kingdom Come - a guide for 10 days in prayer
Thy Kingdom Come
Between Ascension Day and Pentecost Sunday we are joined a global movement called Thy Kingdom Come. It was an opportunity to pray for 5 people we knew over 10 days. It was a great time to pray for our friends to discover the life that Jesus offers.
Each day we put a bible verse on this blog with a thought and a guide for prayer and a call to action as you pray for your friends and we sent the information by text.
These are the guidelines we suggested, and we’ve left them online in case you want to follow this 10 day pattern for yourself at any time during the year.
What you will need for the week ahead.
First, a comfortable place where you can pray for a few minutes every day, a particular chair might be perfect
Second, a piece of paper or a notebook with the names of up to five people written down who you will pray for over the next 10 days
Third, keep a pen to hand while you pray to note down any thoughts
How long should you pray? One suggestion is that you pray as long as it takes to have a cup of tea or coffee. 5 minutes will do.
Here’s a way you can do this each day:
Go to your prayer place, maybe with your cup of tea or coffee, the names you wrote down, the pen and paper, and your phone
Read the verse and thought for the day found here on the blog or on your phone if you signed up for texts
Use the verse and thought to guide your prayers for the people on your prayer list
Write down one thing that comes to mind that you can do for someone on your list, and decide when you’ll do it (then do it!)
Say the Lord’s Prayer to finish
If you do this, for only 5 minutes a day, by the time we reach Pentecost Sunday you will have prayed for the people that matter most to you for nearly an hour.