This season of Lent

Mighty Oaks?


During Lent we have reminded ourselves of Revd Ruth Turner’s reflection on the nature of oak trees in the Bible and what that might mean for each one of us today.


This lent, we are challenging ourselves to ‘40 days of kindness’. Take part in the challenge!



Discipleship Online

How can we go about deepening our experience of walking with Jesus?

We’ve pulled together some resources here for you to explore at your leisure. You’ll find videos, book recommendations, daily notes, links to encouraging websites online. New material is added regularly so keep checking in.

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Creo [Create]

It was Bishop Tom Wright in his book Surprised by Hope who pointed out that we spend 40 days giving something up for Lent, then celebrate resurrection on Easter Morning followed by a great lunch, then that’s it, it’s over. Why not instead celebrate the resurrection with 40 days of creativity, he asked, taking something up instead of giving something up?

We have commissioned six artists or practitioners to give us an insight into their craft and place it in the context of their faith. We chose topics with their roots in the Bible and with an impact on everyday life today - pottery, decoration, architecture, music, dance and art.


Time to Pray

Prayer is always challenging, whether we are new to it or have been praying all our lives. Like making great music, some simple guides can help us turn the random experiences of life into a beautiful song through prayer. Click on the image below to download a free copy of the simple guide ‘Time for Prayer’




Over the 2021 Lent season we considered five practices we can adopt to make our lives more spiritual and more healthy. They are Sabbath, Speed, Solitude, Silence and Service, and the series is captured in the videos below.

These videos outline two key principles that are at work as we develop our daily devotional practices.

The first is that small changes in daily practices can make big changes in our health and wellbeing.

The second is that the best change in our lives comes from the transformation God works in us as we commit to a life with Him.


SABBATH (1of4)

How can we say enough is enough to our need to constantly achieve and acquire in our professional and personal lives? Here we consider whether the idea of a sabbath could work for us.

SPEED (2of4)

How can we say enough is enough to constantly running or endlessly idling? Here we consider whether our we can learn to value time from the lives of the two greatest characters in the Bible


How can we say enough is enough to constantly being with other people or being distracted when we’re on our own? Here we see the value of solitude in the life of Jesus as a way of discovering himself and God.

SERVICE (4of4)

How can we say enough is enough to either rushing past people in need or boasting about the small things we do to help? The answer is not to do more or say less. The answer is to think about who we are becoming.



As an introduction and lead into our resources on the Psalms here is a video of Bono talking with Eugene Peterson about the Psalms.


Lent 2021 - Time for Songs

Following on from Bono’s conversation with the translator of the Message version of the Psalms Eugene Peterson, here are some Psalms to join in with. Check in over lent for new songs.

Apps for Mobile Spirituality

The development of the smartphone app has created a wide variety of spiritual resources we can carry with us wherever we go. Here are a few.

Lectio 365


A daily rhythm of reading and prayer

Download this free app to help guide your thoughts each each day with calming and encouraging words and music.

We highly recommend it.

To download the app for Android click HERE

To download the app for Apple click HERE

The Examen


An evening rhythm of reflection and prayer

Reimagining the Examen offers a unique prayer experience tailored to your needs and mood. Each Examen guides you through a reflection on your day, helping you invite God into your experience.

To download the app for Android click HERE

To download the app for Apple click HERE



Daily readings and thoughts from the Bible

Each day you have access to a Psalm or Proverbs reading, and an Old and New Testament reading, with insightful commentary from Nikki Gumbel on each Bible passage, read or listened to alongside the Bible.

To download the app for Android click HERE

To download the app for Apple click HERE

Ancient Ways

Traditional Spiritual Practices Today

Men and women today continue to be inspired by the life and practices of saints of the past who shaped the church and Christian spirituality in their day, and who have much to say to us centuries later. Two particular saints need to be at the top of our exploration of Christian spirituality - St Francis and St Benedict. Both were significant practitioners of community and personal spirituality, with a deep awareness of God and the gospel, and by their understanding and appreciation of God’s creation, of community and of personal development. Here are some places to get started.

Fransiscan Spirituality

For a contemporary perspective on Fransiscan spirituality we recommend exploring The Centre for Action and Contemplation. To read thought provoking daily devotions click HERE. For podcasts click HERE

Benedictine Spirituality

For an introduction to Benedictine spiritual practices we recommend starting with Lectio Divina, and for a good guide see Worth Abbey website HERE

Contemporary Rule of Life

There are a number of good interpretations of traditional spiritual practices for today’s busy lifestyle. A good place to start is by looking at this example Rule of Life HERE


… to Grow in Prayer

Related to the prayer movement Thy Kingdom Come, 9 days of prayer before Pentecost. Download a journal here to print and use


… to Grow in Prayer

Here are some helpful verses and thoughts encouraging you to pray for your friends



… to Grow in Faith

There’s a lot to be afraid of today. In this short video Max Lucado opens up the story of Jesus calming the storm and asking his disciples “Why are you afraid?”



…to Grow in Bible Reading

You might like to read and listen to a Bible passage and commentary on the UCB Word for Today webpage. for daily updates click below …



… to Grow in Prayer

The Church of England has a prayer for each day that you can can listen to and read, along with lots of other resources and services. Follow here…



… to Grow in Faith

Helen Azer spoke at our churches last year and has made some short films. She opens up Bible verses with great enthusiasm and is very encouraging for today. 



… to Grow in Life

If you like a good book then try . This is a website selling Christian books, DVDs and other resources.Have a browse for books on Spiritual Growth here..



… to Grow in Imagination

Why not try a creative approach to Bible journalling? The Bible Society offers simple suggestions to help you get the most out of a Bible passage