Supporting our neighbours
There’s never been a better time to look out for our neighbours than now!
The effects of COVID19 are making the lives of so many of us hard to manage. It’s affecting our health, our friendships, the amount of money and food we have, and our general feeling of happiness and wellbeing.
But however difficult we are finding things ourselves there is something true in the saying “there is more happiness in giving than receiving”. Whether we have a little or a lot we can all experience the joy of sharing some of what we have to help others.
There are some great projects going on around this part of London because there are some great needs here too. They focus on helping local people facing challenges at this time and we support them because they make lives better and help create a good city for all.
Will you join us?
If you are looking for an easy way to leverage a gift and add value to your neighbourhoods too why don’t you join us by supporting one of these projects? We can promise that 100% any money you give through us will be passed on to the project so that really …