Past Videos

Here are some of our favourite video series from the past few months.

The subjects are as varied as creativity, in the series called CREO, to how to live a Healthy Spiritual Life, and so much more.



Creo [Create]

If you missed our earlier series CREO [CREATE] you can check them out here




If you missed our series on five spiritual practices to help us live well you can check them out on our resources page by following the link below.


If you missed our series on prayer, why not download the companion booklet on prayer here. If you’d like a hard copy at no cost to you please drop us a line at



One of our themes before Easter was how to create a lifestyle of prayer. The book Time for Prayer is designed to be a simple guide to help us pray through the Psalms. To download the book and to find more resources head on over to our Let’s Get Growing page HERE. If you would like a hard copy of the booklet drop us an email by clicking this email address -


Kids Stuff

For today’s Sunday School click here

Sticking Together

Places to meet others for friendship and faith

Local Life

Check out our local website