Bible Quiz:

After watching the video, can you answer all these questions? (answers here)

What name was given to the men who followed Jesus?

Who did Jesus meet in Galilee?

How did Philip feel when Jesus asked him to be a disciple?

Where did Philip tell Nathanael that Jesus was from?

Where did Jesus say he had seen Nathanael?

Did Nathanael decide to follow Jesus too?



Bible Verses to remember

John 1:45

Philip found Nathanael and told him, “We have found the one Moses wrote about in the Law, and about whom the prophets also wrote—Jesus of Nazareth, the son of Joseph.”


Lord Jesus,

we thank you that the first disciples decided to follow Jesus when he called them so that they could learn more about God.

Thank you that you showed us that it doesn’t matter if we are rich or poor, you still want us to follow you and help tell others about God.

Help us to follow Jesus today so that we too can learn more about God and tell the people that we know about his love for us all.
