Sunday 11th October 2020 - Harvest
God created the world and all the things in it – so everything we eat, everything we make, and everything we can buy can trace its origin back to God.
Although we may work hard to create or earn what we have, without God, it wouldn’t be possible. Importantly, He has created enough of each thing in the world to meet the needs of everyone, and yet some people have too little, and some have too much.
At Harvest we remember the need to SHARE the good things in the world more fairly so that all may HAVE what they need, and no-one will STARVE.
Word Challenge: Using the letters from the word Harvest (H, A, R, V, E, S, T), how many other words can you make – e.g. you can make “TEA” or “VEST” or “STAR”. Can you find 50 words?!
There are 3 words you can make that structure how we think about Harvest:
(1) HAVE – say thank-you to God for everything we have, the things he gives us.
(2) STARVE – pray for those who don’t have enough (not just food, but shelter, clothes…)
(3) SHARE – think about what we can do to share what we have & make the world fairer
Jesus talked a lot about these issues when he was alive. There are a few videos of these to watch this week, then some harvest activities. Then, next week we’ll think more about how we can be thankful for and generous with everything God gives us.