Bible Quiz: Are the following statements true or false? Check the Parent Guide here for the answers

How much did the owner agree to pay the workers he hired at 9am? (A full day’s pay)

How much did he agree to pay the workers he hired later? (a fair wage / a full day’s pay)

How did the 9am workers react? (Angry/jealous – they felt they deserved more)

What did the owner say? (It wasn’t unfair – they agreed to work for that amount)

Who does the owner of the vineyard represent? (God)

Did he pay them because of their effort or his generosity? (His generosity)

Challenge Question: What does this tell us about God?


Bible Verse to Remember: Matthew 20 vs 16

“So the last will be first, and the first will be last”

This is a very famous verse in the bible and means that God doesn’t see our ‘value’ in the same way that the world does. He loves us & values us all equally, no matter how people on earth treat us.



Dear Lord, help us to remember that every single one of us has done wrong things and that none of us deserve to receive eternal life.

You choose to give that gift to all of us, because you love us and are a generous God. Because of this, help us to accept both the good & the difficult things we face in life, trying our hardest to live as you would want us to, and not to get jealous when we see people who seem to be having an easier time.

Instead, help us to focus on building our relationship with you & growing our faith stronger and stronger each day. Amen