August 16th 2020
When Jesus was on earth, he taught that when people are being treated unfairly or not getting the justice they deserve, this upsets God. If we see this happening, we should ask ourselves what we can do to make things fairer – we should ask ourselves what Jesus would do. One thing that upsets God is that he has given us enough food to feed everyone in the world, but still some people go hungry. Whenever we have access to enough food, we should think about whether we can help others who do not.
Bible Quiz:
The answers can be found on the guide sheet here
How many people were listening to Jesus?
How long would it take the disciples to earn enough to buy food?
What did Jesus ask?
What did the little boy have?
Did the boy keep the food for himself or give it to Jesus?
Did everyone get enough to eat?
How much was leftover?