July 26th 2020
A little bit of faith in Jesus goes a long way! We’ve been thinking for the last few weeks about how the first followers of Jesus thought their faith in Him was worth shouting about, even if it got them in trouble.
Jesus had taught them that God can take a little faith and make it grow & grow into something big. It can change how we feel about everything in our lives that was important before we had faith and it can turn even hard & difficult situations into something that brings good.
All we need to get started is to tell God we want to believe and he will help us grow as big in faith as a mustard plant (and that is pretty big!)
Bible Quiz:
What was the first example?
In the second video, what is the yeast added to in order to make bread?
Do you know what the yeast does to the dough?
In the third example, what 2 things are more valuable than everything else
Can you match up which truth about faith belongs to which story that Jesus told?
- Having faith in God can make other things we used to think were big or important seem much less important. Faith changes our priorities
- God can take our tiny faith and help it become bigger & stronger
- Even if we only have a tiny faith but are prepared to tell others about it & do what God asks, it can impact a huge number of other people really positively