Quiz to check your child(ren)’s understanding of today’s part of the story (answers on the parents guide here)

-      Who had Stephen arrested

-      Did Stephen speak God’s truth or did he deny his beliefs?

-      What did the Jewish leaders do?

-      What was the last thing Stephen did?


Bible Verse to read & remember: Acts 7 verse 55

“But Stephen, full of the Holy Spirit, looked up to heaven and saw the glory of God”


Lord God, we thank you for Stephen. We thank you that he spoke boldly about Jesus, even though it cost him his life to do this.

We thank you that you supported Stephen in his suffering, and that Stephen is in heaven with you now. We thank you that Stephen’s story helped many people believe in Jesus. But we also know that people are still suffering like Stephen did in parts of our world today.

We pray for them, that you would give the comfort & strength. Lord God, we want everyone in the world to know about your love for them, and pray that each day, more people will come to believe in you & will be able to worship safely, without persecution. Amen.