Quiz to check your child(ren)’s understanding of today’s part of the story (answers on the parents guide here)

Who did Peter & John meet as they entered the temple?

What did the lame man ask for?

Did Peter & John do what the man asked?

What did they do instead?

How did the man feel?

Who did Peter say had given him the power to heal the sick?


Bible Verse to read & remember: Acts 3, verse 6

Then Peter said, ‘Silver or gold I do not have, but what I do have I give you.

In the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, walk.’ 


Lord God, we thank you that the early Christians like Peter and John were brave enough to pray for healing, and that you responded by healing the lame man in the story today. Help us to pray when we are sick, or other people we know are sick (like……). Lord, heal the sick today, in Jesus’s name. Amen