GAME to check your child(ren)’s understanding of the Jesus’s Baptism Video

Use the ‘Pairs Card’ printout (look for the image of two feet below!!). Cut out the 9 sets of matching images and place all 18 cards face down on a table. Take it in turns with your child(ren) to turn over two cards (one at a time). If they are a matching pair, the player can pick up the cards & keep them. If they are not matching, they must turn them back over to face down and the next person takes a turn to turn over two cards. The idea is to remember where each image is so you can find the pairs. The winner is the person with the most cards once all pairs have been found.


Bible Verse to read & remember: Acts 2, verse 41

‘Those who accepted Peter’s message were baptised, and about three thousand were added to Jesus’s followers that day’


Dear Lord. We thank you that both John the Baptist in one story, and Peter in the other story, came to explain how Jesus could change our lives, if we are ready to say sorry for what we do wrong. Help us to say sorry to Jesus, to believe in God’s love for us, and to ask the Holy Spirit to help us learn how God wants us to live for Him. Amen